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Voxengo Elephant - User Testimonials

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Greetings from Australia!

In the last couple of days I upgraded my Elephant to v.5 after not having used it for sometime.  It absolutely 'blew me away', I'd totally forgotten how good it is.

I'm using it on my drum buss and stereo buss in Cubase 12 Pro, it really kicks ass(!) and has an amazing set of options and clarity if that's what is needed in any given project.

I also use MSED, Crunchessor, Varisaturator, Span and Transgainer with very pleasing results.

In my opinion Voxengos tools are right at the top with the best, and often better than the very expensive ones.

I'd say money spent on Voxengo products is money well spend, thank you, Aleksey. :)

Mauri Berg

Even knowing the Brazilian reality in which it is very difficult to buy equipment and plugins because of the high dollar and the devaluation of our currency..I came back here to say how grateful I am to the voxengo family, it all started with the E bus Limiter and after some time waiting I managed to buy the Elephant!  Dear friends, how worth it!  It is unique and simple to use, my customers love it when I use it!  I've tested many plugins and what's on the market today and I haven't seen any doing what this good friend does!  Thank you voxengo for the great help with my work!  Big hug
Filipi Marcos de Souza

Nothing comes close to the Elephant's release settings.  That thing can give you punch and loudness at the same time...

Elephant is my goto Final Limiter since... i cannot remember how long.  It is on every masters I do.  From Carl Craig to Moodymann to ProleteR to....  Everywhere.

Christophe Chapelle, Sinetracks Mastering, Toulouse, France

There is no greater value in the world of plug-ins than Voxengo.  GlissEQ is a masterpiece that always provides beautiful and musical results.  The large number of filter types (18) in GlissEQ is a real plus.  So is the spectrum analyzer provided with all Voxengo equalizers, which eliminates any guesswork.  I especially appreciate the presets provided with each plugin as a starting point, easy mid/side processing, and the ability to manually control so many parameters in each plugin.  The combination of GlissEQ, VariSaturator, TransGainer, and Elephant provide an unlimited palette of sound sculpting options.
John Geisel

I've used Elephant for years, it's got to be the best limiter out there.  Now that Voxengo support AAX, I've bought the whole lot!  The quality of all their plugins is amazing and would put a lot of other companies to shame.
jOn Cooper, The Coopers Sound Design

The Voxengo Suite has absolutely made music production and mixing more fun, efficient and creative.  The workflow and visualization of PrimeEQ has made it my go-to Parametric EQ and the sound is pristine.  Crunchessor, Marquis compressor and Deft Compressor are some of the smoothest and most flexible software compressors.  They all have such a wide "sweet spot" and it is hard to make them sound bad, allowing you to focus on creative decisions.  On the mixbus, polysquasher and soniformer are the only compressors I have tried that consistently provide truly transparent compression regardless of the material, while CurveEQ can effortlessly shape a full mix with complete transparency.  Finally Elephant delivers energy, smoothness and loudness like no other limiter, beating out everything else in my toolkit.  Its tweakability makes it suitable for any material.  The entire Voxengo suite of plugins really have something special going on.  No hype, just top level DSP, top level design and top level sound.
Jonathan Lee - Artist, Producer, Engineer

I use FL Studio and I love all the Voxengo Plugins :) !  At the moment "Sobor" is my go to reverb!  Thanks!

I was addicted and used to using a plugin from a company that no longer exists today. and for a while i thought i wouldn't find something i really like. after trying a lot I got to know the elephant!!  What a wonderful job!  Congratulations to all your developers! for now I bought the ebus limiter which is an elephant module but which has already solved my life. but soon I'll buy the complete elephant because I still have it demo!  Congratulations and best wishes!
Filipi Marcos de Souza

Been using these for about 6 years and I wanted to express how much I appreciate them.  HarmoniEQ is such an asset to adding color.  In the tradition of the Pultec EQP-1 I often bring frequencies down with the stock Reaper EQ and bring them back up with HarmoniEQ, adding color when I don't even need an EQ adjustment.  It's been especially effortless to change an electric guitar's tone when I feel like, "I wish he'd played a tele here instead of that SG." Even after I picked up Warm Audio WA-412 for overall coloration, HarmoniEQ is still invaluable for shaping coloration so I'm less in need of spending thousands on different analog devices to achieve the specific profile I'm after.

I have some feature suggestions, first would be to add a non-colored EQ for pulling down frequencies so the Pultec trick is fully integrated, and also I think it could benefit from higher oversampling factors since the difference between 4x and 8x is plainly audible to me, would love to see 12x, 16x, 24x, and even 32x since CPU is pretty abundant these days.  Even folks who are light on CPU can adjust the mix at lower oversampling, then set up a render queue with the oversampling cranked, and have the DAW process it slowly overnight while they sleep.

I still use the old version of SPAN because I'm set in my ways, but also those average and peak RMS readings are such great measures to ensure my mixes are the same general volume.

The bass saturation feature in LF Max Punch gets so much use, even on vocals to give them a "closer" feel to them, on overheads and ambient mics to get more room impact on the lows, places I never would have thought to use them.  Brilliant tool!

Elephant is the only remotely pumpy limiter I'll use.  I like my mixes to be highly realistic, which means I can't stand LA1176's, but sometimes a bit of pump sets the right tone without sounding desperate.  Elephant nails that every time.

Here's some pearls for folks who don't appreciate how awesome a phase adjustment tool PHA-979 is.  Any recording that's live or live off the floor with ambient mics, you can use PHA-979 to phase-align direct mics to the ambient mics by adjusting the phase so the lower frequencies combine the most (might actually be nice to have a mono version just for this).  Then put a PHA-979 on an aux bus with L/R set to -90/+90, to generate a side channel.  Mute the ambient mics and send all your direct mics through that side channel bus and feather it up until you can barely notice the widening effect.  Now unmute the ambient mics, and you can't tell where they end and the direct mics begin.  It's the glue between the two without the muddying of early reflection reverb.  I haven't found any other plug-in that accomplishes that nearly as well as PHA-979, and it's not nearly enough anti-phase to ruin the mix when summed mono.

Voxengo plugs do more than just a good job, they really make the job more enjoyable.


I use Voxengo Elephant on Linux (kxStudio 16.04) in Ardour via LinVST.

I pretty much use it in all my mixes in the master strip.  If you don't drive it into insane compression, it performs very well, you can't hear it but you're forever safe from clipping.  Best practice seems to be to use a multiband compressor first to create a transparent master, and then apply a little bit of loudness and limiting with the Elephant.

A valuable tool for me which I use every day.  Great!

Niels Ott