Voxengo VariSaturator

Tube Overdrive Plugin
Windows Logo Mac OS Logo VST3 Logo AudioUnit Logo AAX Logo
User Guide (PDF): English, Русский язык
Primary User Guide (PDF): English, Français, Deutsch
Really great tools.  I usually use them to make sample sounds more natural.  Easy to handle.
Worldjazz Play Along

In electronic music, many sounds are very much "upfront".  OTT is what many choose for this purpose.

However, I have found that Varisaturator is much better in place of OTT when it comes to this purpose.  Much more controllable and much smoother (even though OTT is multiband compression and Varisaturator is multiband saturation/inflation) In most cases where I would choose OTT, I am using Varisaturator instead for the same purpose and it does the job much better.  This small change has improved my mixes for electronic music a lot.

Second thing is soft clipping with OVC-128 on buses to smooth and contain, then followed by high end expansion with Soniformer to rebuild some dynamics and transients is an amazing combination.  Smooth, contained and dynamic.

Always finding new relationships and uses with your plugins, thanks!

Jonathan Lee

After purchasing your mixing and mastering tools, and others.  My product has improved significantly.  I was having trouble getting airplay before because of sonic reasons.  As stated in previous correspondence if has been a financial hardship but the rewards are starting to pay off, perhaps because I own them I have a little more pride in my work.  After a couple more purchases I will be using Voxengo exclusively.
Tyler Patterson

Plugin Software Compatibility

Compatible 64-bit Mac OS and Windows PC VST, AudioUnit, AAX, VST3 plugin host software: Ableton Live, Cubase, Logic Pro, REAPER, Pro Tools, FL Studio, Studio One, OBS, Bitwig Studio, Nuendo, WaveLab, Vegas, SoundForge, GarageBand, Cakewalk, Adobe Audition, Samplitude, Digital Performer, Mixcraft, Edius, others.  Note that for Logic Pro you should download the "AU, AAX" package.

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